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Staff Spotlight

Meet Bea!

Bea came to know the Lord in college through a discipleship relationship. At the same time, she was studying social work in college, because she’s always had a heart for kids. She even remembers wanting to be a foster parent when she was younger. Bea has a huge heart for the Lord, is active in her church, and enjoys puzzling and biking riding in her free time.

Bea first heard about New Song when she toured the campus with a mutual friend interested in a Camp Director role. When Bea heard about New Song’s mission, she fell in love with the ministry. “God used my growing faith in the Lord and my heart for vulnerable children to get me excited at the idea of serving at New Song,” explained Bea. When an opportunity to join the ministry came up a few years later, it was an easy yes for Bea! 

Last year, Bea jumped into the mentorship role here at New Song and served in major ways. Her primary roles included serving as a live-in mentor in the boy's home and visiting the girl's home weekly for discipleship sessions. “I know the power of a discipleship role as the Lord used this relationship to lead me to Him. It’s been really special to now get the opportunity to formally disciple others, especially children!” Bea shared. She also helps tutor in the school, rounds out our campus community by attending Together Tuesdays, and even helps serve on the communications team as well! 

“The girls in our home loved Ms. Bea and their weekly times with her,” shared Maddie Nutter, who with her husband Jeremy houseparented girls at New Song. “I think it was impactful for our girls to have someone else to confide in other than their houseparents and teachers. The girls always asked when Ms. Bea would be around and they grew a lot in the Lord after a semester of discipleship with her. I remember a particular student getting so excited to have matching pants with Ms. Bea which revealed Bea’s impact on the girls.”

This summer, Bea stepped into a house mom-like role as she lived in the homes during the ministry's four summer camps. When reflecting on the summer, Bea shared, “I got to know the kids differently by helping them with their daily needs. It gave me a lot of insight into the houseparent role. It was a neat learning opportunity to see a different aspect of the ministry.”

“It was great to have Bea serving as our girls' house camp host during all four summer camps! She connected so well with the girls, nurturing them, helping them through their struggles, and having fun! Bea has such a heart for our campers and students and is intentional about helping them with their spiritual growth." -Lisa Schloss, Founder/Associate Director

Bea is looking forward to another year of tutoring and mentoring students at New Song this fall. She is currently studying for her Biblical counseling certificate which will help her give godly guidance to our boys and girls. Bea is excited to continue serving the children and supporting the ministry wherever she can!