Mom’s Retreat to New Song!

Mom’s Retreat to New Song!

“You could hear their laughter and shrieks throughout the campus!,” shared New Song’s Student Life Assistant, Julie Decker. “The moms had so much fun working together on our challenge course—it was such a blessing to be with them!”

God provided a warm, sunny day on New Song’s Brown County campus to host its first ever Mom's Retreat, and the fall leaves created a natural beauty that the ladies could not get enough of! Moms enjoyed being pampered with all kinds of treats as they learned about cooking, parenting, team building, and prayer, all being led by Julie and our teacher, Rachelle Alspaugh.

After starting with a devotional time in the Campus Center, the seven moms watched closely as Julie prepared the ingredients of a tasty crock pot meal in the kitchen. While the pot was stewing, the moms participated in a solemn prayer walk around the campus, an exciting challenge course activity (our gigantic seesaw-like apparatus called the “Whale Watch”) and making flower decorations before settling down for the tasty crock pot dinner.

Conversations throughout the day showed a glimpse of how much these women want to grow! They were hungry for learning, including spiritually. It was so encouraging to see the women experience some peace and be refreshed. Before leaving, each mom received her own crock pot and several recipes to try at home, which hopefully their kids will thoroughly enjoy!

God promises that He “will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul He will replenish” in Jeremiah 31:25. We were blessed to see that promise fulfilled as we saw some weary souls replenished by God’s Word.

The Lord is working in the lives of these ladies—all of whom have children who either have been or will soon be New Song students—and we are so thankful we were able to be part of the process. Special thanks to our close ministry partner, Family Hope of Central Indiana, who helped transport several of the ladies to New Song and watched their kids throughout the day.

We continue to pray for these special moms and are thankful that God gave us the blessing and privilege of nurturing and encouraging them!